What is new in PHP8.3?
22-11-2023 · in development

Revolutionizing JSON Validation with json_validate
Embarking on a journey through the extensive history of PHP, a language I've navigated for quite some time, crafting and revising thousands of lines of code. PHP, a stalwart language, is now set to unveil its latest iteration, version 8.3, slated for an official release by month-end. In this discourse, we delve into the pivotal modifications characterizing this upcoming release.
Revolutionizing JSON Validation with json_validate

The perennial question – is it JSON or not? Traditionally, one would resort to parsing the entirety using json_decode, awaiting confirmation of validity. Yet, the latest version introduces a game-changer: the json_validate function. This innovation promises the same accuracy but with significantly reduced resource consumption.
Streamlining Error Management in unserialize

The notorious unserialize() function, renowned for its erratic error generation from E_NOTICE to E_WARNING, is undergoing a paradigm shift in version 8.3. Expect consistent throws every time, eliminating the need to handle the nuances of E_NOTICE.
Unveiling the #[Override] Attribute

A valuable addition surfaces – the #[Override] attribute. Its primary utility lies in detecting methods that potentially override a counterpart in the parent class. Notably, it now triggers an error if the method in the parent class undergoes a name change, rendering the #Override-labeled method non-overriding.
Dynamic Connections to Class Constants

Prior to version 8.3, the loading of class constants remained a static or Reflection1-driven affair. With the advent of 8.3, a dynamic approach emerges, allowing the loading of these constants with variable interpolation.

Evolving Read-only Property Handling in the __clone() Process
In a prior release, PHP embraced the concept of declaring read-only properties during class instantiation. However, when it came to cloning, these properties faced constraints, limited to superficial duplication.

Version 8.3 dismantles these restrictions, enabling effective cloning of read-only properties within the context of the __clone() method. Beyond these pivotal updates, the PHP landscape undergoes additional shifts – the introduction of specific errors during DateInterval object initialization, such as DateMalformedIntervalStringException, enhancements to the mb_str_pad function, and notable performance boosts for array_sum() and array_product().
PHP 8.3 was released on November 23, 2023. It will be tested through three alpha releases, three beta, and six release candidates.
For a comprehensive overview of all the alterations, refer to php.net